Math 40 – Intermediate Algebra   

Spring ‘09
Section 2919

To solve x2 + 21 = 10x

Instructor: Geoff Hagopian
Office: Math 12
Phone: 776-7223

Syllabus - Calendar - Diagnostic Test Results -Tests -Grades

Course Description

This course focuses on solving problems using linear, quadratic and exponential models with an introduction to the concept of a function.  Topics include solving and graphing solutions to polynomial and exponential equations, systems of linear equations, equations and involving rational exponents.  We also will study quadratic equations and inequalities in detail and have an introduction to logarithms.

On-Line Homework Requirements (15% of your Grade):

Students typically register and log into CourseCompass from the CourseCompass website, .  To get started, you will need the CourseCompass ID for this course, which is hagopian26073, and the CourseCompass Student Access Kit that comes with the Sullivan textbook or can be purchased separately at the bookstore. Each CourseCompass Student Access Kit consists of a card with instructions for the enrollment process and a student access code. Each code can be used to enroll one student in one CourseCompass course.  
All on-line homework assignments are available as soon as the course begins, so no extensions are permitted.  You may choose to work at your own pace as long as you work on assignments before the due dates and times.  See the schedule for due dates of the assignments and exams. 

  • Product Support Staff   Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Sunday 5:00 PM to 12:00 AM toll-free at 1-800-677-6337
  • Prentice Hall Tutoring   Center Sunday- Thursday 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM toll-free at 1-800-877-3016 (You'll need your Access Code)

In-Class Quizzes  (10% of your Grade):

There will be weekly in-class quizzes on the material we’re studying and this will comprise 10% of your grade.

Exam Requirements (70% of your Grade):

There will be 7 regular exams (about 1 every 2 or 3 weeks -  see the schedule) plus a comprehensive final exam.

The Math/Science Study Center in Room Math 4:

If you want to take advantage of the excellent math tutoring services then you need to sign up for Math 97 or Math 98. You'll find these courses listed in the College of the Desert Class Schedule. 
The lab hours for Spring 2009 are currently scheduled for:
8am – 7pm MW, 8:30am-7pm TTH, and 8am-3pm F..

Attendance Requirement (5% of your Grade): 

If you’re not there, you missed it.   To encourage your appreciation for the importance of attending class, for every two unexcused absences, you’ll lose 1%, for a maximum of 5%.

Course Summary:



 Weighted %


Homework Assignments






Final Exam








Letter Grade

Overall Percent


90% to 100%


80% to 89%


70% to 79%


60% to 69%


0% to 59%

Required Materials:

1.     Intermediate Algebra, by M. Sullivan and K. Struve, Publisher is Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-228374-3.  Please note that you can't buy this used because you are buying the right to gain access to the site.  If you purchase a used text then you have to still buy the access code.
2.      A scientific calculator. You will need the ability to compute logarithms, so look for a “log” and “ln” key. You will not be able to use a graphing calculator.